Baltimore Area Council Camporee Patches

Council and District Camporees through 1950

Thumbnail Item Bkgd Border Edge Text Shape FDL Description
Jamboree 1943 Jamboree 1943 Wht Red C Red round 62mm; “Balt Council Jamboree”; “1943”
Camporee 1944 Camporee 1944 (custom) Wht Red C Red round 62mm; “Balto Council Camporee”; “1944”
Jamboree 1944 Jamboree 1944 Wht Red C Red round 62mm; “Balto Council Jamboree”; “1944”
Camporee 1944 Camporee 1944 (stock) Gry Blu C Red round Tent design; “BSA Camporee”; no council name; BSA stock
Camporee 1945 Camporee 1945 Wht Red C Red round 62mm; “Balto Council Camporee”; “1945”
Camporee 1946 Camporee 1946 Tan Yel C Red round Tent design; “BSA Camporee”; no council name; BSA stock
Camporee 1947 Camporee 1947 Grn Yel C Red round Tent design; “Baltimore Area Council Camporee”; button loop
Camporee 1948 Camporee 1948 Wht Grn C Red round Tent design; “BSA Camporee”; no council name; BSA stock
Camporee 1949 Camporee 1949 Org Grn C Grn round Tent design; “BSA Camporee”; no council name; BSA stock
Camporee 1950 Camporee 1950 Kha Grn C Red round Tent design; “Baltimore Area Council Camporee”; button loop

I need a lot more information on camporee patches used before 1943 and between 1950 and the start of the BAC Camper segments (approximately 1955). I do not know the distinction in use between 1944 “Camporee” and “Jamboree” dated patches and the undated blue and gray camporee patch also used that year.

Council and District Camporees 1950s–1970s

Thumbnail Item Bkgd Border Edge Text Shape FDL Description
Camporee Segment Camporee Segment Crm Grn C Grn arc Undated “Camporee” segment for BAC Camper patch
Camporee Segment Camporee Segment Wht Grn C Grn arc Undated “Camporee” segment for BAC Camper patch
Camporee 1955 Camporee 1955 Crm Grn C Grn arc “Camporee 55”; segment for BAC Camper patch
Camporee 1956 Camporee 1956 Wht Red C Red arc “Camporee 56”; segment for BAC Camper patch
Camporee 1957 Camporee 1957 Aqu DYl C DYl arc “Camporee 57”; segment for BAC Camper patch
Camporee 1958 Camporee 1958 Wht Red C Red arc “Camporee 58”; segment for BAC Camper patch
Camporee 1959 Camporee 1959 Crm Grn C Grn arc “59” hand-sewn into undated “Camporee” segment
Camporee 1956 Camporee 1956 Yel Grn C Grn round Tent scene; “1956 Camporee”; BSA stock
Camporee 1957 Camporee 1957 Wht Red C Red round Tent scene; “Camporee 1957”; BSA stock
Camporee 1958 Camporee 1958 Red Wht R Wht round Tent scene; undated; “District Camporee”; BSA stock
Camporee 1960 Camporee 1960 DYl DYl R Blk/Wht round M/C BSA 50th Anniversary; “Jubilee Camporee”; BSA stock
Camporee 1961 Camporee 1961 Wht Grn C Grn arc Returned to undated “Camporee” segment in 1961
Camporee 1962 Camporee 1962 Wht Red C Red dome Campsite scene; “Camporee 1962”; BSA stock
Camporee 1963 Camporee 1963 Red Wht R Wht square Fife and drummers; “Camporee”; BSA stock
Camporee 1964 Camporee 1964 Wht Yel R Red square Eagle and shield; “District Camporee”; BSA stock
Camporee 1965 Camporee 1965 Org Red R Blk round Yel Deer head and horns; “Camporee”; BSA stock
Camporee 1960 Camporee 1966 Wht Red R Blk/Red odd Red Rounded triangle; “Camporee 1966”; BSA stock
Camporee 1967 Camporee 1967 Blu Brn R Yel round Yel Tepee on globe; “District Camporee”; BSA stock
Camporee 1968 Camporee 1968 Yel Grn R Grn round Tent and campfire; “District Camporee 1968”; BSA stock
Camporee 1968 Camporee 1968 Yel Grn R Grn round Tent and campfire; “District Camporee”; no date; BSA stock
Camporee 1969 Camporee 1969 Blk Wht R Yel/Wht odd Yel Octagon; smiling moon; “Moon Year Camporee”
Camporee 1970 Camporee 1970 Red Wht C Wht dmnd4 Yel Diamond; “BAC 1970 Diamond Jubilee Camporee”
Camporee 1971 Camporee 1971 Yel Grn R Blu hex Recycling symbol ♲ around pine tree; “Ensuring Tomorrow Today”; “B-A-C 1971 Camporee”
Camporee 1972 Camporee 1972 Grn Tan R Wht/Yel odd Rounded triangle; hand in Scout Sign; “A Time To Reach”
Camporee 1973 Camporee 1973 YOr Blu R Red/Brn oval Brn Scout hiking; “A Lot More Today”
Camporee 1974 Camporee 1974 Org Red R Blk odd Blk Footprint shape; “Be Prepared For Life”
Camporee 1975 Camporee 1975 Org Brn R Brn round Yel Axe in log; “Bicentennial Camporee”; BSA customized
Camporee 1976 Camporee 1976 Wht Red R Red round Blu Bell and “76”; “Bicentennial Camporee”; BSA customized
Camporee 1977 Camporee 1977 LBl Yel R Blu round Brn Campsite scene; “New Century Camporee”; BSA customized
Camporee 1978 Camporee 1978 Tan Red R Blk round Red Campsite scene; “1978 Camporee”; BSA customized

Through 1978, council-issued or council-selected “Camporee” patches or segments were used for both council-wide events and for annual district camporees. (At times, different districts used slightly different patches with the same national stock design; I know there were some instances in which Harford District had a patch that differed from the BAC Camporee patch. In 1968, both dated and undated versions of the patch were distributed.)

Blind Scout Camporees

Thumbnail Item Bkgd Border Edge Text Shape FDL Description
Blind Scout 1960s Blind Scout Camporee 1960s LYl Blk R Blk shield “Blind Scout Camporee”; “Baltimore, MD.”; undated, probably 1960s
Blind Scout 1967 Blind Scout Camporee 1967 Wht Blu R Red square Red “Blind Scout Camporee”; “Baltimore, MD.”; BSA customized
Blind Scout 1973 Blind Scout Camporee 1973 Wht Blu R Blu odd Red Rounded triangle; “Blind Scout Camporee”; “Baltimore, MD”
Blind Scout 1979 Blind Scout Camporee 1979 LBl Yel R Yel square Red “The Blind Scout Camporee”; “In Memory Of ‘Tiny’ Brandt”

On occasion, Baltimore has been the host of a five-state Camporee for blind Scouts. There were patches as listed above in 1967, 1973, and in 1979, and an undated patch that is probably from earlier in the 1960s. There may have been other years as well; the patches shown are the ones I know about.

Council Camporall Patches

Thumbnail Item Bkgd Border Edge Text Shape FDL Description
Camporall 1979 Camporall 1979 Wht Grn R Grn round Grn Scout on globe; “Camporall”; embroidered; BSA customized
Camporall 1979 Camporall 1979 reissue Wht Brn R Brn round Grn Reissue; silk-screened; BSA customized
Camporall 1985 Camporall 1985 Wht Wht R M/C round GMy “75”; “Diamond Camporall”
Camporall 1985 Camporall 1985 segment Org Blk C Blk arc “Camporall” segment for BAC Diamond Jubilee activity patch
Camporall 1990 Camporall 1990 Blu Org R Blk/Red hrect Yel Space shuttle; “Council Camporall”; “The Adventure Continues”; BSA 80th Anniversary
Camporall 1998 Camporall 1998 M/C Blk R GMy/Blk oval Red Broad Creek 50th Anniversary; “BCMSR Camporall”
Camporall 2000 Camporall 2000 M/C Red R Red hrect Red Tent scene; “Camporall 2000 BCMSR”
Camporall 2000 Camporall 2000 segment M/C Grn C Red pie Grn Tent scene; “Camporall 2000 BCMSR”; segment of BAC activity set
Camporall 2003 Camporall 2003 Tan Brn R Red hrect Red Map of Broad Creek; “Camporall 2003 BCMSR”
Camporall 2007 Camporall 2007 Grn Blk R Wht square Wht BCMSR 2007; “Camporall”; two wall tents and fire ring

In 1979, Baltimore Area Council started to use the term “Camporall” for council-wide camporee events. Also, after 1978, the council no longer issued standard patches for district camporees.

Camporalls were held in 1979, 1985, 1990, 1998, 2000, 2003, and 2007.

2010 Star-Spangled Camporee

Thumbnail Item Bkgd Border Edge Text Shape FDL Description
Camporee 2010 Camporee 2010 Gry Blu R Yel round M/C “Star-Spangled Camporee”; Fort McHenry; BSA Centennial; 3.5" round
Camporee 2010 Camporee 2010 Wht Blu R Yel round M/C “Star-Spangled Camporee”; Fort McHenry; BSA Centennial; 3" round
Camporee 2010 Promo Camporee 2010 Grn Blu R Yel/Wht round Yel “C U @ the Fort in 2010!”; “Star-Spangled Camporee”; pre-event promotional patch; Fort McHenry; BSA Centennial
Camporee 2010 Camporee 2010 M/C Blu R Wht/GMy odd GMy Pentagon shape; Flag over Fort McHenry “Star Spangled Camporee”; trading post patch; BSA Centennial
Camporee 2010 Participation Camporee 2010 Participation Wht RWB R Yel/Wht odd Yel “I Found the Missing Star”; “Star Spangled Camporee”; participation award; “2010 BAC”
Camporee 2010 Neckerchief Camporee 2010 Neckerchief Mar Mar P Yel/Red RWB Embroidered maroon neckerchief with design like patch
Camporee 2010 Neckerchief Camporee 2010 Neckerchief DBl DBl P Yel/Red RWB Embroidered dark blue neckerchief with design like patch
Camporee 2010 Neckerchief Camporee 2010 Neckerchief Red Wht P Yel/Red RWB Embroidered red neckerchief with design like patch
2010 VIP Adjutant General Camporee 2010 VIP Blk Blk R Red/Blu round VIP gift patch; statue; “Adjutant General”; “Maryland Military Department”; no camporee designation
2010 VIP Baden-Powell Camporee 2010 VIP Yel Tan R M/C vrect VIP gift patch; Baden Powell; “Lord Baden-Powell”; “Star-Spangled Camporee 2010”
2010 VIP Bayor Camporee 2010 VIP Pur Wht R Wht vrect Pur VIP gift patch; butterfly on flower; “Gregory A Bayor”; “Director”; “Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks”; ghosted “BAC”, “SSSC”
2010 VIP Bealefeld Camporee 2010 VIP Blk Yel R Yel/Red oval VIP gift patch; police commissioner badge; “Frederick H. Bealefeld, III”; “Commissioner Baltimore City Police Department”; ghosted “BAC”, “SSSC”
2010 VIP Bernson Camporee 2010 VIP Tan Red R Yel hrect Wht VIP gift patch; cannons firing; “Vic Bernson”; “Chairman”; “Star-Spangled Camporee”
2010 VIP Chief Scout Executive Camporee 2010 VIP Blk SMy R SMy round M/C VIP gift patch; Chief Scout Executive badge; “Chief Scout Executive”; “BAC Star-Spangled Camporee”
2010 VIP Townley Camporee 2010 VIP Red SMy R Wht oval VIP gift patch; Eagle Scout badge; “Alvin Townley”; “Star-Spangled Camporee”
2010 VIP Williams Camporee 2010 VIP Blu Blu R Yel odd M/C VIP gift patch; pentagon with stars; “Barry Williams”; “Baltimore Area Council Board Chairman”; “Star-Spangled Camporee”

A BSA Centennial Camporee was held at Fort McHenry October 1–3, 2010.

There were eight VIPs in attendance at the Star-Spangled Camporee, including a Baden-Powell impersonator. Each of these VIPs distributed a limited number of individualized patches as gifts to participating Scouts.

2012 “Rock the Ridge” 100th Anniversary Camporee

Thumbnail Item Bkgd Border Edge Text Shape FDL Description
Camporee 2012 Camporee 2012 M/C NBl R Blu/Wht round Yel “100th Anniversary Camporee”; “Oregon Ridge”; button loop
Camporee 2012 Staff Camporee 2012 Staff M/C NBl R Blu/Wht round Yel “2012 Staff”; “100th Anniversary Camporee”; “Oregon Ridge”; button loop
Camporee 2012 Camporee 2012 Promo M/C NBl R Blu/Wht round Yel “100th Anniversary Camporee”; “Oregon Ridge”; promotional jacket patch
Camporee Museum Camporee 2012 Museum Wht Wht R Wht/Pur round Wht White ghost for camporee museum
Museum Staff Camporee 2012 Museum Staff Pur Wht N/C Purple neckerchief with museum patch and embroidered “Staff”
2012 VIP Bealefeld Camporee 2012 VIP LBl LBl R LBl/Blk round LBl VIP gift patch; light blue ghost; “Frederick H. Bealefeld III, Former Baltimore Police Commissioner”
2012 VIP Bernson Camporee 2012 VIP Tan Tan R Tan/DGr round Tan VIP gift patch; tan ghost; “Vic Bernson, Rock of the Ridge Camporee Chairman”
2012 VIP Brick Camporee 2012 VIP LBr LBr R LBr/Pur round LBr VIP gift patch; light brown ghost; “Lynne & Victor Brick, Brick Bodies, Scout Strong”
2012 VIP Johnson Camporee 2012 VIP Blu Blu R Blu/Tan round Blu VIP gift patch; blue ghost; “James W. Johnson, Chief of Police, Baltimore County”
2012 VIP McChesney Camporee 2012 VIP DGr DGr R DGr/LBr round DGr VIP gift patch; dark green ghost; “Donald McChesney, Northeast Regional Director, Boy Scouts of America”; Eagle
2012 VIP Minken Camporee 2012 VIP DBl DBl R DBl/Wht round DBl VIP gift patch; dark blue ghost; “Stanley Minken, M.D., Brigadier General, Maryland Defense Force”; Eagle
2012 VIP Osborne Camporee 2012 VIP Pnk Pnk R Pnk/Wht round Pnk VIP gift patch; pink ghost; “Charlene Osborne, Baltimore’s Best Hon”
2012 VIP Red Tails Camporee 2012 VIP Red Red R Red/Tan round Red VIP gift patch; red ghost; “Dr. Cyril O. Byron, Sr.; Lemuel Arthur Lewie, Jr.; ‘Red Tails’ Tuskegee Airmen”
2012 VIP Ruppersberger Camporee 2012 VIP Blk Blk R Blk/LBl round Blk VIP gift patch; black ghost; “C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, US Congressman”
2012 VIP Tuggle Camporee 2012 VIP Pur Pur R Pur/Blk round Pur VIP gift patch; purple ghost; “Alf Tuggle, Asst. Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America”
2012 VIP Williams Camporee 2012 VIP Olv Olv R Olv/Wht round Olv VIP gift patch; olive ghost; “Barry Williams; BAC Chairman of the Board; Dir., Balt Co. Recreation & Parks”; Eagle

The 100th Anniversary Camporee with the theme “Rock the Ridge” was held at Oregon Ridge on October 5–7, 2012 to celebrate the centennial of the Baltimore Area Council. A promotional jacket patch was available in early 2012.

There was a ghosted patch and a staff neckerchief for the museum display at the camporee.

There were also eleven ghosted versions of the patch that were distributed as gifts to participating Scouts by VIPs who attended the Camporee. In honor of the centennial of the Eagle Scout award, Eagle Scout VIP patches also had a small embroidered eagle.


My needs are highlighted in the item column above. Offers will be enthusiastically welcomed.